My Emotional Rock Bottom Story

What is Emotional Rock Bottom? When you are left feeling hopelessness. You are at the bottom and can’t sink any lower than were you are emotionally. A state of absolute misery and wretchedness. Your extreme lowest. You feel lost, confused, and life is momentarily in shambles.  As i was researching, i found out that you have to hit rock bottom before you can be able to make a change. Do you agree?  Urban dictionary defines rock bottom as: “when you feel you have had it up to the roof top because you are mad enough to scream but you are also sad enough to tear up. 

Lesson from hitting an Emotional Rock Bottom.I realized how powerful I am and that I am in control of my life. I get to decide who to invite into my world.  I have made a decision to never accept mediocrity from myself and others.  I am no longer going to medicate on the negative experiences and hold on to it like its treasure when I have the power to just let it go and choose something else.  I got an opportunity to examine all my bad behaviors and how I lacked the tools to be better at the time. I started questioning everything.  I realized I was not were I thought I was Gain humility and compassion for myself and others Let go of everything because nothing is working anymore I am filled with gratitude 

My Emotional Maintenance PlanDaily prayer Daily medication I periodically do an emotional check in I am aware of the foods I eat Journal sometimes/ daily reflection Note card 

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